Who We Help
Valmar is here to assist adults and young adults with disabilities in a number of different ways.

Independent and group living
We offer support for people who need regular daily assistance and those that just need someone to pop in every now and again.
Group living support (Group home)
If you or a family member needs help and support with all aspects of daily living, a group home can be a great option. Living in a group home provides peace of mind that day-to-day needs are taken care of and is a really nice way to make friends and connect with a community.
Drop-in community living support
Drop-in support is designed to support people who live alone or in shared accommodation, and would like a support person to call on them once or twice a day to help with budgeting, shopping, paying bills or social planning, are ideal candidates for drop-in community living support.

Lifestyle choices and connections
Our programs are tailored to meet your unique needs and help you achieve your goals. Some of the activities we offer are dance classes, gym visits, yoga classes, movie outings, live sport games, supported holidays, craft circles and social events – but really, the sky is the limit!

Flexible respite
If you’re a carer of a person with a disability, we understand that you need a break every now and again to recharge your batteries. Flexible respite gives you a chance to take some time out for yourself, knowing that someone is there to look after your loved one.

We know there’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of doing a great job. Valmar has two employment programs, including our own social enterprises, to help young people with disabilities get workplace ready.
Supported employment
Valmar has a number of social enterprises with many job opportunities for people with disabilities. Across the Tumut and Yass regions you could find a job working in:
- A medium scale timber manufacturing & timber recovery factory
- A commercial kitchen
- An industrial resource recovery recycling plant
- Gardening and grounds maintenance
Transition to work
This is a two-year program to help young people with disabilities to gain the skills and/or qualifications needed to find and keep a great job. In transition to work you’re supported every step of the way.
Area of service
The ACT region

The National Disability Insurance Scheme
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is a whole new way of providing disability supports and services, funded by the Federal Government.
The NDIS is about people getting what they need to live the life they want and Valmar is proud to have been a supporter of the scheme, right from the start.
With any new government scheme, small changes are being made all the time, so It can seem a bit overwhelming when you’re not sure where to start. Why not call one of our team members to get some advice.

The NDIS has a pricing structure that Valmar and all other disability service providers must follow. Our price list is updated from time-to-time and can be downloaded.

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